What We Are vs What We’re Building

This post should act as a quick glimpse of what Fort Gotten is about and the team’s vision.

Fort Gotten 🪖
4 min readMar 2, 2022
Fort Gotten is a Universe where we all get to create.

Here is a quick-in-depth (if that’s even a thing) view of the project. For us, this has always been a project that is so much more than just cool art and a couple of thousand tokens, and we hope we can make that clear through this post.

What are we doing?

Our main goal here is building a complete universe: The Fort Gotten Universe. We’re building a stage for people all over the world to create, live experiences, collect and tell stories. Think about Harry Potter, Pokemon, Zelda, etc. It’s bigger than just a single thing, it’s the idea, the concept, the community, the world that matters.

Everything in Ep02 has been worked in both 3D and 2D.

You could think of it as a metaverse in the sense that it’s a digital universe, with tokens, assets, currency, stories, places, and everything, but we’re not really focused on selling land (as most metaverse projects seem to be right now). Our goal is to work with the different metaverse to be developed on Cardano and be compatible with as many as possible.

This open vision of more than NFTs is why we do things differently. And we’ll keep on doing just that.

Vol. 2 of The Fort Gotten Chronicles — Discord Activity inspired Comic made around Fort Gotten’s Lore

How are we doing it?

We’re mixing a concept called Transmedia Storytelling and NFT’s are one of those mediums we’re using to build upon. But we want to see our universe expand to graphic novels, series, games, etc.

Our focus right now is to develop an interactive experience through the PFP format, and evolve the lore, story, characters, and project with the community.

A set of Buruka Kidz
You can complete a squad if you complete four titles together that match.
And completing the squad reveals the complete background and will be eligible for rewards in the future.

We have a fully doxxed team of artists, developers, and creatives working full-time on the project. Creating activities, airdrops, and the art we’re known for.

We’re making all sorts of elements that explore the project with fun collectibles and rewards for holders.

What are we building Next:

  • Digital Experiences: We’re venturing into activities and puzzles that you can do on your own time, besides the roleplaying activities, for rewards.
  • Squad Visualizer: Checks your wallet and verifies which Squads do you have ready and what pieces are you missing.
Kidz Customization through Asset trading
  • Customize Your Kid System: Let’s you remove and add different clothing & accessory Items to your Kidz.
  • Squad Maker & Reward Staking: Smart Squad maker that will reward holders with claimable airdrops.

Why are we doing it?

We believe in creativity and art as a force of good, and as a tool to transform not only lives but the world. So step by step, little by little, we want to somehow impact and change this reality in the world and in our country.

How are we doing it for the world? creating a universe that serves as a platform for all types of people to feel creative and build upon.

How are we doing it for our country? 5% of all sales go to the Kidz from El Salvador treasury, which is serving as a seed investment in a project created by students from the best creative university in El Salvador, that seeks to discover the best impactful solution for it. As well as other smaller activities that push our vision with Kidz in the short term.


Episode 02 is Minting Now!. Join Discord → See you at the Camps!

Fort Gotten Team



Fort Gotten 🪖
Fort Gotten 🪖

Written by Fort Gotten 🪖

Welcome to the realm of the forgotten kidz. 🏕️ NFT Collection. Discord → https://discord.com/invite/fortgotten

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