Into The Lab: GOGOs

Fort Gotten 🪖
2 min readAug 9, 2022


This is it! The moment you have all been waiting for is here: The Lab’s first cross-chain collab will be dropping this week, featuring the amazing GOGOs!

These lab kidz will be joining the Fort Gotten universe after a long journey from the Tezos blockchain, so it’s fair to say we’re excited to welcome them!

Without further ado, we’ll let their artists and creator, Arya Mularama, tell you more about it!

Hello Arya, it’s your time to shine! Why don’t you give us a brief introduction to GOGOs?

My Artwork is heavily influenced bys kateboarding, comics and pop culture stuff from the 90s.

We love the unique style that has come as a result of those influences… your art has truly come to life! What excites you the most about your art, project, and its future?

The characters and the universe that has taken shape from my artworks is growing ever since I mint my first NFT. And it got bigger since the GOGOs project experiment.

Nice, Arya! Can’t wait to see how the universe unfolds and how your art continues to evolve! With that in mind, how do you keep pushing your project forward?

I just keep creating and collaborating with passionate people.

That’s the way to do it. Surround yourself with people that push you forward and keep doing what you’re doing!

What would you say inspires you to create?

Everything! I get ideas and stuff to draw from movies, comics, songs, and probably… my mental health at the time

It sounds like your art is truly a reflection of who you are at the time! It must be quite a journey to look back on those archives!

Do you have any advice for aspiring creatives?

I do, and it’s probably what I would like to remind my inner kid if I had the chance as well! Keep drawing and draw every damn day!

That’s great advice!

Coming from the Tezos Blockchain… we’re eager to know. Do you have any favorite NFTs & NFT projects?

A lot!

All of my friend’s projects of course. And to mention some… Tezzards, Sutu’s Neon, Tokblok’s TOKS, and Fort Gotten of course! There’s no GOGOs without Fort Gotten.

Those are great! Well, thank you for letting us dive deep into your art and project, and thank you for joining The Lab!

We’re excited to feature GOGOs in our upcoming collaborative collection dropping this Friday, August 12 at 16:00 UTC! It’s officially The Lab’s first cross-chain drop, so it makes it that much more exciting!

Hope to see you there, my dear reader! For more information on the lab, don’t hesitate to drop by for a visit 👇

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Fort Gotten 🪖

Welcome to the realm of the forgotten kidz. 🏕️ NFT Collection. Discord →