Into The Lab: Ether Mobs

Fort Gotten 🪖
2 min readJul 19, 2022


It’s time for another episode of The Lab, our creative, cross-chain movement! Whether it’s art, community, innovation, or something else, our goal is and has always been to celebrate creativity in all shapes and forms.

With that in mind, we’re excited to feature our conversation with Kamix, the artist behind Ether Mobs! Curious to learn more about his artistic journey? Well, stick around and we’ll share what they had to say!

Hey Kamix! It’s so great to have you at The Lab! Tell us, what inspires you to create?

Since I was a little kid I always wanted to create characters and worlds from my own imagination, and ever since I started to draw it’s like a dream came true…

It’s great to hear you’re living the dream! We certainly enjoy the characters you’ve illustrated for Ether Mobs! The experiments from The Lab are quite befitting of the Fort Gotten universe!

And tell us, as an artist in the NFT space, do you have any favorite projects?

Yes, I really enjoy Yummi Universe and Fort-Gotten, of course!

Hey, that’s great to hear! We’re all about world and character building so we’re happy to hear you resonate with our world! We’re really great friends with Yummi Universe as well; in fact, a brave bunch of Narus from The Lab recently joined us at camp! I’m sure you’ll see them around!

As an artist yourself, do you have any tips for aspiring creatives?

We feel the most alive when our creativity has no boundaries.

Truer words haven’t been spoken! That is what The Lab and Fort Gotten are all about: exploring the creativity of our inner kidz to the furthest extent!

With that in mind, what would you tell your inner kid if you had the chance?

Thank you for sticking around.

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us, Kamix! We really appreciate getting a glimpse at the ‘fire that fuels the artist,’ and we hope your art keeps expanding without boundaries!

We can’t wait for our collaborative collection from The Lab to drop this Friday, July 22nd! So start marking your calendars kidz, you’ll be in for a treat!

Until next time ✌️



Fort Gotten 🪖

Welcome to the realm of the forgotten kidz. 🏕️ NFT Collection. Discord →