Get Started With Fort Gotten

Fort Gotten’s Origin Story

Fort Gotten 🪖
5 min readMar 24, 2022

The Fort Gotten world has spread far and wide over the last few months and, as new kidz join, it’s easy to feel a little lost. Worry not, we are here to point you in the right direction.

If you want to learn all the in and outs of our world, make sure to also check out our video guide.

Now, without further ado, let’s dive into Fort Gotten.

What is Fort Gotten?

At its core, Fort Gotten is an NFT project that aims to reconnect us with our inner child and simultaneously push the boundaries of the NFT space.

Through a world filled with art, collectibles, and lore, The First Kidz have created a place where you can leave your worries behind and live through your inner kid by participating in activities, role-playing, and connecting with an amazing, supportive community.

The World

Fort Gotten is the universe where our inner kidz and unique sense of wonder live free of rules and adults. Time appears to be frozen in this post-apocalyptic land, there are many unanswered questions, and the only way to push forward is to solve and uncover the ruins, mysteries, and adventures that await in the Lost Children Realm.

The Camps

Vast as is it may be, the Fort Gotten world is divided into camps. Against all odds, kidz started running into each other and, by working together, they built unique camps using only the resources and landscapes around them.

As of now, there are 8 known camps for you to explore, which are spread out throughout 4 different regions:

  • Forest: Jester Day, Ripio, and Enola
  • Mountains: Buruka, Barro, Otoco
  • Valley: Centro
  • Oceans: Oola

The Roles

As time went on and camps began to thrive, kidz started joining forces; each one playing to their strengths and giving light to the community’s four main roles:

  • Scouts: Child-like curiosity fuels our Scouts. Without any fear of the unknown, these kidz maintain order and explore what lies beyond the safety of their camp.
  • Foragers: Helping the camp thrive is no simple feat. Foragers seek out food and resources to aid the development of the community and ensure everyone’s safety and survival.
  • Tinkerers: Tinkerers make sure the camp grows and evolves. By focusing their efforts in building, researching, and developing new assets they enable kidz to fully expose their sense of wonder.
  • Clerics: The backbone of the community, Clerics provide emotional, spiritual, and medical support to their fellow kidz.

You can find out your camp and role in each one of your kidz metadata!


As kidz explored the unknown corners of this world, they started collecting these unique items we have come to know as Bottlecapz. These items grew to become an in-game currency used for activities and future endeavors.

Collect them using the /daily command on the #Bot-Commands channel in our Discord.

Fort Gotten Characters

Our world is filled with unique kidz, and every once and again special characters will pop up in your Fort Gotten journey. The two most recurring are:

  • The Collector: A mysterious traveler that guides kidz in this uncertain, post-apocalyptic world. He wanders the realm collecting assets and tools, putting them up for sale to interact with the kids and help push them forward.
  • Kid 46: Keep an eye out, as this shady character is the mysterious antagonist who likes messing with the kidz, confining them within their camps, preventing them from exploring further areas of the Fort Gotten World.

Keep an eye out for them, things are bound to get interesting when they’re around our /roleplay channel!


By now you’re probably wondering where all of this story unfolds, so we’d like to extend you an official invitation to join our Discord.

Discord is the main Fort Gotten hub where the heart of the project resides and where all activities take place. Join us there and get the most out of this immersive NFT experience and its community.

Here you’ll find a bot so you can connect your wallet and get verified roles; and you’ll be able to select the camp, select your roles and start your journey.

We’re constantly sharing teasers, spoilers, and holding activities and quests for the kidz that range from role-play-driven conversations to auctions, puzzles, and mini-games. Keep an eye out for the “ACTIVE QUEST” channel or visit the #activity-guide channel to learn more about ongoing quests and past activities. And swing by our #roleplay channel where everyone writes as their own Fort Gotten kid to interact with fellow kidz.

Feel free to check out our Get Started section, which will guide you throughout the entire initiation process so can start participating in all the activities, interacting with the community, and exploring the full potential of your inner child.

See you around at camp, kid!

Official links



Fort Gotten 🪖
Fort Gotten 🪖

Written by Fort Gotten 🪖

Welcome to the realm of the forgotten kidz. 🏕️ NFT Collection. Discord →

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