Fort Gotten’s Geography and Camps

Fort Gotten 🪖
7 min readApr 14, 2022


In Fort Gotten, the Lost Children Realm, there is only one goal: survival. Sure, kidz have been able to build camps, develop survival skills, and thrive in a functional community together; but when it really comes down to it… It’s just them against their environment. Which as we’ll soon see, is not very welcoming for the weak of heart.


As our story continues to unfold, new regions continue to pop up around Fort Gotten. In Episode 01 we explore the depths of the forests, where dense treetops deprive our kidz of sunlight, and blinding mist impairs visibility and disorients all those who find themselves trapped inside.

In Episode 02, The Collector and a handful of brave kidz explored the lands beyond the forest for the first time, finding out that there’s not only a diverse landscape but also new camps where other kidz have settled down to build thriving communities.

The geographical features of the known Fort Gotten world.

Aside from the forest, 3 new regions were discovered for the second episode: The Mountains, The Valley, and The Ocean; each one of them being drastically different than the rest and hosting different camps.

  • Forest: The Fort Gotten Forest is dark and mysterious, densely covered by vegetation and an inexplicable mist that makes both light and visibility scarce; giving kidz a sense of isolation and disorientation. Deep in the forest lies a river, abandoned settlements, and junkyards; all of which eventually became camps.
  • Mountains: If you’re able to make it past the misty forest, to the west, the view will drastically change into a grand mountainous landscape. As you make your way up, you’ll find a natural spring that flows down the mountain and accompanying it, a relentless snowfall and subzero temperatures that make even the most experienced scouts flounder. Once at the summit, you’ll finally be able to take a look at the arid wasteland that lies on the other side. There, a deserted landscape awaits; unwelcoming, just like the frozen summit.
  • Valley: From the top of the mountains you’ll also be able to see the lands south of the forest, where the world opens up before your eyes. The center of Fort Gotten will be within reach; a grassy valley that, unlike the regions before it, invites both travelers and lost children to settle down and live in abundance. The views from the Valley are as panoramic as they get. To the west, you’ll have the mountains, the forests to the north, and the coast on the east.
  • Oceans: The ocean has become the most relaxed region of them all, according to kidz. Crystal clear waters, abandoned ships, and castles are spread along the coast, resembling the ruins of an ancient time. Aside from being one of the most distant regions, there’s something about the palm forests and the sea breeze that makes this a perfect Oasis for all.

These regional biomes are all different and present kidz with both unique challenges and opportunities. After years of surviving under frantic weather patterns, kidz have evolved and adapted to their environments; either physically, socially, or technologically.

Even though these regions have now been partially connected, most kidz choose to remain within the safety of their community. There are always a few adventurous souls that crave adventure more than “stability;” but after arriving in this unknown world and experiencing loneliness and the hardships of the land firsthand, most kidz choose camaraderie and safety within their camp over the pursuit of solo adventures.


For the moment, every known region has at least one camp, but some regions are rich in resources and have proven to be favorable for kidz settlements. In most cases, these settlements, known by the kidz as camps, would barely be considered “towns” for the untrained eye; as they’re comprised mostly of makeshift tents and basic infrastructure.

What people might not be aware of is that these temporary-shelter-looking settlements are actually the result of kidz witty improvisation and resourcefulness in finding the ideal materials and tools to build a permanent settlement that protects them from both the elements and the unknown. You can see how this is the case in even the most extreme regions.

As it stands, there are currently eight known camps:

  • Jesterday: The first of the camps in the forest. Located in the heart of the forest, it is a small and basic settlement that was outgrown by its kidz population. As the first kidz came to the forest, they found what seemed like an abandoned campsite. Using the basics left behind as a starting point, it inevitably evolved to become one of the main camps in the forest.
  • Enola: Following a stream from Jesterday, the kidz found a riverbank that provided just enough space to settle a second camp. Exploring the vicinities of the river in the forest, they also found remnants of buildings and concrete structures. Using both the river and the ruins as the foundation, camp Enola was founded.
  • R.I.P.I.O: During the early days of the kidz of the forest, in one of their scouting missions, the kidz found an abandoned junkyard deep within the forest. The abandoned cars and ruins offered them an ideal structure, which they steadily built into a community by pitching tents and using the existing structures as an additional layer of protection against the dark, unknown elements of the forest.
  • Buruka: As the kidz finally got out of the forest and headed to the mountain, their first stop was Buruka, an abandoned candy factory built over a running stream coming from the mountain’s summit. There, the kidz of the mountain found the perfect shelter, big buildings with numerous rooms and plenty of old abandoned items, candies, and merchandise to make Buruka their own.
  • Otoco: As kidz continued their hike up the mountain, they eventually found Otoco. This camp was established at the summit of the mountain on some sort of abandoned complex made out of cabins and stone buildings. This camp is known for its incessant snowing and unforgiving cold. While the weather here is less than welcoming, the camp does boast a valuable resource: a natural hot spring; the same one that flows down to the abandoned Buruka factory.
  • Barro: At the other side of the mountain range, the humid and green environments turn to arid shades of brown. There, between rubble and the remnant of what seems to be some sort of ancient city, lies Barro: A counterpart to the summit, where unforgiving warmth and sandstorms are the norm.
  • Oola: As kidz move on to the east, away from the mountains and the forest, they’ll eventually reach Oola: a sunny, warm beach full of palm trees, coconuts, and a thriving community. The sea breeze grazing their faces, the smell of salty water, and the feeling of sand under their feet overwhelm their senses. Life by the water is different from any other region in Fort Gotten, so everything has this unique, local feel to it; from the masks to the accessories, to the tattoos.
  • Centro: The lush landscape seen from the mountain’s summit is the center of the land. As kidz near it, they run into a grassy plain full of ruins. In spite of this, the land is inviting and Camp Centro has become a great place for travelers to live within Fort Gotten. Because of this, Centro has become a trading hub, where kidz from all regions gather to trade, conduct business and learn about the camps that lie beyond.

As kidz continue to arrive in Fort Gotten, camps inevitably continue to evolve. As things stand, most camps have around 1,000 kidz each, which may not sound as much at first but this overpopulation does come at a price.

Given the limited suitable farming land due to Fort Gotten’s harsh climates and the lack of farming abilities and knowledge, kidz rely on foraging to sustain the community. With growing populations, this practice becomes increasingly unsustainable and forces kidz to pursue innovative and long-term initiatives to maintain the quality of life at camp.

All things aside, camps are actually the safest place for kidz. These settlements have been built with the purpose of adapting to their regional context, so each one has unique endemic characteristics that allow kidz to prosper even during the harshest of storms.

Needless to say, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into building each one of these camps; so it’s only natural that kidz are proud and protective of their perimeter. This has led to a friendly inter-camp rivalry that allows Kidz to continue evolving, growing stronger, and making Fort Gotten a safe place for lost inner children.

This child-like, fiery passion for building a world by kidz and for kidz is what makes Fort Gotten the most care-free, creative world where everyone can be safe. And most importantly, everyone can be free.

See You At Camp

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Fort Gotten 🪖
Fort Gotten 🪖

Written by Fort Gotten 🪖

Welcome to the realm of the forgotten kidz. 🏕️ NFT Collection. Discord →

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